Abans Engineering services Department is providing you with range of Value added services to run your Train chiller efficiently and cost effectively.
With Trance Care Services your systems will be enhance to like new performance, thereby improve operation and extend equipment life span.
Few of cost effective solutions are,
Eddy current tube analysis should be conducted as a part of predictive and curative maintenance program. It is the recommended scientific method to identify the root cause of a problem and the extent of damage caused to the tubes.
If your report shows that intervention is necessary, a Trane technical expert will propose practical actions to resolve the situation and will offer his assistance to restart your chiller.
The ATB System Turbo-brushes spin through internally enhanced tubes, Cleaning the tube walls many times each day.
The ATB System 4-way valve reverses the condenser water flow for about 30 seconds every 6 hours
Save Energy and Eliminate Tube Fouling Forever With the Automatic Tube Brushing (ATB) System,
The Automatic Tube Brushing (ATB) System Technology cleans chiller condensers and other shell and tube heat exchanges automatically without shutting down the equipment. This permanently installed system virtually eliminates tube fouling by removing debris from tube surfaces many times each day.
In order to ensure a long working life for Trane compressors, system oil and vibration are regularly analyzed. These tests build a detailed picture of the condition of internal system components. Over time, they also help build a ‘wear trend’ of the equipment. This tells our service experts whether your compressor is due for minor maintenance, or a complete overhaul.
Low energy costs through a high-tech solution
The second largest energy user in most buildings is the chilled water system. The RTHD Adaptive Frequency Drive, available as a retrofit kit from Trane Care Energy Services, can make significant savings in the energy your chiller consumes.
Equipment breakdown can have disastrous consequences. In human terms, it can mean discomfort to building tenants, leading to dissatisfaction and complaints. In financial terms, it can mean extensive repair or replacement costs. But with Trane hand in hand with Abans Engineering services, all this can be avoided.